New Representation and Shows

February 24, 2013

A bit of news–I have just recently received representation through a New York company called Creative Concepts.  Their subtitle is “A Unique Gallery of International Artists.”  There are plans for an art show in September in New York.  I’ll let you know more about that as details become available.  Currently, I am upfront and center–very easy to find–on their website:

It is a chance to see some of my latest work and read a bit about my own interpretations and understandings of the images.  They do have a comments section, and I would welcome any of your thoughts there.  Please take a moment to do that if you can!

They also offer a link to my new website which, thanks to the professional design of Kent Pilkington, my nephew, is a brand new presentation of my body of work.  Additionally, the website is now viewable on iPads and iPhones–a much needed improvement.

I am also working with an art patron and supporter here in town to develop a show in the Dayton area probably in May.  More to come on that as well!